Oblique wide-angle multiplex projector Experiment Research of the Drill Fracture Criterion in Inclined Hole Drilling 广角倾斜投影测图仪斜孔钻削中钻头折断的判据实验研究
Fig2.Middle long oblique fracture of tibia, two blocking screws. 图2左胫骨中部长斜形骨折、加2枚阻钉。
Curative effect of bone setting manipulation on oblique fracture of ulna and radius 正骨手法整复对尺桡骨斜形骨折复位固定疗效观察
Application of Obturator Foramen and Iliac Bone Oblique Postion for the Diagnosis of Acetabulum Fracture 闭孔及髂骨斜位在髋臼骨折诊断中的应用
Analysis of oblique film in X-ray diagnose for patients with rib fracture 斜位片在肋骨骨折X线诊断中意义分析
Long oblique and spiral fracture of humeral shaft treated with minimally invasive internal fixation combined with external fixation Form and thought 微创内固定加外固定治疗肱骨干长斜形与螺旋形骨折
Twelve patients were transverse fracture, 4 were oblique fracture and 7 comminuted fracture. 骨折分型:横行骨折12例,斜行骨折4例,粉碎性骨折7例。
The partially-filled and unfilled high-angle oblique or vertical fractures are developed in the structural fracture limestone reservoirs. Five kinds of storage-permeability spaces. 灰岩构造裂隙型储层可发育高角度斜交或垂直层面的部分充填和未充填构造裂隙。
Correctness of this method has been proved by the inversion results of travel times of reflected compressional waves in both two group of orthogonal seismic lines and four oblique seismic lines of a fracture medium model. 裂隙介质模型的两组正交测线和四条互不正文测线反射纵波旅行时的反演结果验证了本文方法的正确性。
Conclusion: A-P lateral oblique plain film, CT scan, and 3D-CT should be the routine and the first selection in diagnosis of triplane fracture. 结论:(1)正侧及斜位X线平片应作为诊断三平面骨折常规首选的影像学检查;
[ Objective] To evaluate the clinical effects of long oblique and spiral fracture of humeral shaft treated with minimally invasive internal fixation combined with external fixation. [目的]评价微创内固定结合外固定治疗肱骨干长斜形与螺旋形骨折的临床疗效。
In the late period, the progressive uncoaxial shear of right-lateral and high-angle oblique thrusting caused the most developed joints and fractures in the core of weak-deformation domain to turn from compressional to extensional, and linked up with deep fracture systems. 晚期的右旋高角度斜冲非共轴递进剪切使弱变形域中央最发育的一组节理和裂隙由压性转变为张性,并沟通深部的裂隙系统。
Transverse and spiral fractures were more likely to sustain RNP than oblique and comminuted fracture patterns ( P < 0.0001). 不同骨折类型中,横形和螺旋形骨折较斜形和粉碎性骨折更易于并发桡神经麻痹(P<0.0001)。
Multiple long oblique comminuted fracture of femoral shaft treated with interlocking intramedullary nail and supplementary wire loop fixation and limited open reduction 交锁髓内钉加钢丝环扎治疗股骨干多段大斜面粉碎性骨折
Value of Oblique Axial MPR Imaging of MSCT in Diagnosing the Fracture of Geniculate Fossa of Facial Nerve Canal and Its Nearby MSCT斜轴位多平面重组图像在面神经管膝状窝及其周围骨折诊断中的价值
Methods Fourteen fresh tibial specimens were made into models of oblique fracture. Seven models were fixed with unilateral axial dynamic fixation ( UADF), and seven with limited contact dynamic compression plate ( LC-DCP). 方法14具新鲜胫骨标本,制成斜形骨折模型,先分成单侧外固定支架(UADF)组和有限接触加压接骨板(LC-DCP)组,每组7具标本。
Objective To provide theoretical basic for clinical judge of bone healing and to determine the removing time of the outer fixator by comparing the healing speed of transverse fracture with that of oblique fracture in the same locality under the same condition. 目的采用三维有限元法比较横形骨折、斜形骨折在同一部位、相同条件下骨折愈合的速度,为临床判断骨折愈合解除外固定时间提供理论依据。
Objective: To investigate the clinical effects of interlocking intramedullary nail and supplementary wire loop fixation and limited open reduction in the treatment of multiple long oblique comminuted fracture of femoral shaft. 目的:评价有限切口、开放复位、交锁髓内钉加钢丝环扎治疗股骨干多段大斜面粉碎性骨折的临床效果。
Initial shortening of femoral fractures and overgrowth are positively correlated, overgrowth is more apparent in oblique and spiral fracture. 3. 股骨过度生长与初始骨折短缩呈正相关性,斜型和螺旋型骨折股骨过度生长更加明显。